Cisco Facts – A Collection of Ansible IOS / NXOS Facts and Genie Parsing Playbooks

Cisco DevNet Code Exchange has published my repository !

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Cisco_Facts (this link opens in a new window) by automateyournetwork (this link opens in a new window)

Ansible playbooks that use the IOS / NXOS Facts modules and Genie parsed commands to transform RAW JSON into business-ready documentation

Here you can easily start capturing Ansible Facts for IOS and NXOS and transform the JSON into CSV and Markdown !

Also included are a bunch of valuable Genie parsed show commands which transform the response into JSON then again transforms the JSON into CSV and Markdown!

The playbooks use Prompts so you should be able to clone the repo and update the hosts file and start targeting your hosts! For full enterprise support I suggest you refactor the group_vars and remove the prompts moving to full Ansible Vault – but for portability and ease of start-up I’ve made them prompted playbooks for now.

I would love to hear how they work out for you – please comment below if you have success!

Cisco Services APIs Ansible Playbooks – Version 2.0

I am very pleased to release the Cisco Services API Ansible Playbooks Version 2.0 which has been approved and released on Cisco DevNet Code Exchange !

You can find the code here and here

This major revision basically shifts away from lineinfile to Jinaj2 Templates for scale, performance, readability, and general best practices.

Serial 2 Info

The Cisco Serial 2 Info API receives a valid serial number and then returns structured JSON with your Cisco Contractual information !

The playbook uses the Genie parser to parse the show inventory command

After authenticating against the OAuth 2 service to get a Bearer token

It provides the API the serial number for every part per device.

The API provides the following information back:

Which we first dump into JSON and YAML files

Then template into CSV and MD

Using Jinja2

Which gives us:

Recommended Release

The other, very similar, Ansible playbook uses the Cisco Recommended Release API to create a spreadsheet with the current image on a host and the Cisco recommended version for that host given the Part ID (PID)

Here we don’t even have to use Genie to parse we can use the Ansible Facts module

And we transform again with Jinja2

And get this create report!

Please reach out to me directly if you need any help implementing these playbooks but I believe the instructions and code to be easy enough any beginner, with a little bit of refactoring and thought, could use this code as a starting point in their automation journey.

Dark Mode

Cisco_API_v2 (this link opens in a new window) by automateyournetwork (this link opens in a new window)

Ansible playbooks that capture serial number and PID and send them to the APIs transforming the response into business-ready documents. Version 2.0 uses Jinja2 templates.